Suggestions for NCM - New Canadian Media

Suggestions for NCM

Home Forums Ideas Suggestions for NCM

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    • #35109
      Rhea Lisondra

      During our Feb. Town Hall we introduced a jamboard during our open mic segment. This feature allowed members to write down their suggestions and ideas to create discussion on what NCM can do, some of those suggestions included:

      1. pitching an NCM podcast
      2. More opportunities for photo and multi-media elements in stories
      1. photo essays/ visual stories
      3. Emails for NCM reporters
      4. More multipart series – investigative unit
      5. Covering more arts and culture and celebration events from diaspora communities
      6. One pager on settlement agencies
      7. Pitch meetings
      8. Advertising with The Grind
      9. Improving the timeline of when stories are published

      If you have any suggestions and ideas to share please do so by replying to this post below.

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